Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Look for the Unlikely...

Dear Readers,
Tonight I want to open up my heart a little bit to you. The past two weeks have been an incredible whirlwind for me, but God has been using the unlikely in my life and tonight that unlikely impacted me in an incredible way. This semester the President of my school chose the theme "Walking in the Spirit" from Galatians 5, to unify the student body and to study together. The last two weeks the sermons have been on sins in our lives and God began to use those sermons in my life to convict me about different sin areas of my life.

I can't go into detail, but I can tell you that there has been an incredible spiritual battle going on in my heart since that first sermon on sin was preached. God began to convict me about a sin in my life that I was steeped in and that I, honestly, was not willing to give up yet. I saw myself as happy and perfectly fine. But no matter how many times I put up my hands in protest to God and argue my case that my sin was perfectly acceptable, God continued to chasten me and pull me to Himself.

Tonight, God brought that sin out in full light before my very eyes and I heard His voice loud and clear saying to me "My child, my precious daughter, I love you more than you will ever know, but I cannot let you rebel any longer. I will pull you to myself and forgive you if you ask so that I may be the most important thing in your life again." Through this I found myself broken before the Lord, in tears and in humbleness asking for forgiveness.

God used the unlikely, my sin, to draw me closer to Himself. He used the unlikely to grow me and change me. I don't write this to make myself look better than anyone else, but rather to show that God does use the unlikely in absolutely amazing ways. We may not see it at first, but He will always find a way to draw us even closer to Himself than we already feel that we are. I encourage you tonight to see what unlikely God is using in your life and then let Him use it.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Choosing the Unlikely...

Dear Readers,
It has been quite a while since I have written. The summer was full of work and online classes, and a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of the school year. Now it is back to the grind of classes, and golf, and friends. Mind you, it is not a negative daily grind at all. It has actually been a blessed grind, one in which God has been growing me and teaching me so much. The theme that I am claiming this semester for my blog is to write about "Using the Unlikely."

This semester I am taking a class called "Women in the Bible." The class has been teaching me so much about how God chooses the unlikely. God chose Sarah to have a son who was promised, despite the fact that she couldn't have a baby. Then God chose the younger of Isaac and Rebekah's two children to be the child of promise. Then God used Jacob's wife, Rachel, despite the fact that she did wrong to have a son who would carry out the line of promise. God chooses the unlikely and He uses them or the unlikely situation that they may be in for His glory.

Already this semester God has shown me some "unlikely" things in my life and I am so excited to share these things with you as the semester continues.