Monday, January 28, 2013

The Lessons We Learn...Over and Over Again.

Sometimes I am surprised by the strange times a person can become inspired to write. Today I felt inspired at about 6 in the morning, but I was awake studying anyway and now I have a little down time before my day begins, so it all worked out. :) This weekend has been one of those really good, learning weekends. I suppose more than anything this post is for my friends who are pre-college and even in college.

Ladies, there are two things that we need to remember. As daughters of a wonderful King remember, He has a perfect plan for your life, and it is beautiful. Guard your hearts...that is a phrase that God inspired someone to write in the Bible, and it is a key to His plan for our lives. Guard you hearts ladies, don't let anyone who does not deserve your heart steal it, even a little bit of it, from you or from God. They say patience is a virtue, and I will admit that there are so many things that I hate being patient for, but I promise that the patience we struggle with is eventually going to result in something absolutely beautiful!

The second thing is this. Don't ever be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. I have been so blessed with amazing friends here at school who inspire me and encourage me. They also point out my faults and try to help me do the right thing, even when it may be the hardest thing I have ever had to do. This weekend I had to do something that I didn't necessarily want to do, but I did it and boy did I find out some things I didn't really see coming. Did some of the things hurt? Sure, a little. What was more important though was that I did the right thing, and my life has changed for the better because of what I did. Don't ever be afraid to be blunt and stand up for what you believe in, but don't forget another Rule of A Lady...

So that's what I have been learning this weekend. Two amazing principles that, in a way, I already knew, but needed to be re-enforced in my life.

One more thing, I promise. :) There is a website that I have seriously just fallen in love with over this past year and I really recommend it.

It is...drumroll please...

I am crazy about this website and the woman who publishes and puts all her time and effort into it. She is an amazing author and really has a passion for young ladies. I highly encourage you to look at it and enjoy (She has also written many amazing books that are out of this world!).

So with my desire to put thoughts and inspirations to blog I end this entry with a smile on my face and excitement for a new week and the promises of what God will teach me! But for now, or at least until 9 am, I will just be in my dorm, sitting, sipping coffee, Keeping Calm and Writing On :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Plan Beyond What I Expected

These past two weeks have just flown by. I cannot seem to find time to sit down and just take a deep breath! But that is simply the life of a college student. Thankfully though I have had time to sit and spend time with My Lord and boy has He been showing me things I never imagined.

Over the past two weeks the Lord has laid my school in Alaska heavily on my heart. I believe that the Lord has called me to return to Alaska for one year after graduating from Bob Jones University with a BS in Elementary Education and teach in the school that I graduate from. I am thrilled and so, so excited about this opportunity. I truly cannot wait to get up there and have my first time in the classroom as a teacher be at Gateway!

The Lord has also shown me that He has an AMAZING plan for my summer. This summer I get to travel and see lots of family and friends and I get to be a wrangler at a camp this summer!! I am SO EXCITED!!

All I can say, dear readers, is this. God has amazing plans for each and every one of us. Things that we may have once said we would never, ever do, may soon become our goals and dreams. Never turn away from His plan, it's always the best! But for now, I will sit in my cozy dorm room on these chilly winter nights, drink coffee, and Keep on Writin' On. :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

A New Semester, A New Life, A New Start.

Wow! It has been so long since I have posted on my blog! Time just gets away from us sometimes. Well, much has happened since I last wrote. I officially changed my major. I am now studying Elementary Education and I am loving every minute of it. I am also working this semester at the campus dry cleaners. It's a really great job, super fun, amazing people, and a great way to de-stress. I am also living with new passions and goals for myself and I am very excited about them.

Because of all of these changes in my life there will be some changes to the my blog as well. First off, I am going to start posting on Friday nights when I have more time and a day ahead of me with no classes. Also, I am going to try to make them shorter so that more of my college friends who don't have oodles of time can read my posts too :)

I am going to try to share a lot of college stories and lessons that I am learning this semester with all of you, my wonderful readers. I am also going to try to share with you some of the many goals and passions that I now have. With the semester getting under way things are just busy right now. I know next week my brain will be a little less jumbled so I can really get my writing on :) So for now I will sign off and leave you all in anticipation until next week. Have a wonderful weekend.

But until then I will just Keep Calm and Write On :D