Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Sweetest Love.

So there is this holiday...

It comes every year right in the middle of February.

It's called Valentine's Day...known to some here at the Bob as Singles Awareness Day. After pondering the predicament that I find myself in being single, but not really wanting to call Valentine's Day, Singles Awareness Day I have decided that this Valentine's Day I am going to thank God for the examples of the sweetest love that I have around me.

Yes, dear readers, that means that this blog post is probably going to embarrass a few people, but I love them all very much so I am sure they will forgive me. :)

The three couples who have inspired me the most to have a love and a marriage just like theirs are my parents, my birth mom and my step dad and my sister and her husband. These couples can be sickeningly sweet at times, passionate about their marriage and their families and they are absolutely perfect together. When I am with them I know that they were meant to be. So to the six of you, thank you for setting an example of the sweetest love that I know. I hope and pray that someday the man, that I date and then marry, and I will have a love that looks just like yours. :) This Valentine's Day is for you. :)

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