Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Blessing of God's Will Over Mine

Happy second week of November! For those of you who are at school with me we have only one more week until Thanksgiving break! YAHOO! Hang in there we can do this!
Today I want to talk about how thankful I am for having the ability to be in a place where I feel so secure knowing I am choosing God's will over my own. This is where the story that I know some of you have been waiting to hear will be told, the story of why I changed my major.
It actually all began when I was in high school. My Senior year I did some teaching in my small christian school in Alaska. I loved every minute of it, but I was already on the fast track to being a nurse and it was my dream. When I arrived at school at The Bob I loved my major despite every struggle I went through. Of course I had several break-down moments where I wanted to give up but I pushed through and soon enough I had finished Freshman year.
During the summer I really began to feel restless about my major, I knew that being a nurse was my dream, but the struggle was so overwhelming I knew something was wrong. I fought with God all summer on many things and my major was one of the many unspoken things that I fought with Him about. Finally coming back here this semester I still fought for my dreams and what I wanted. It began to effect my friendships and I made a mess out of my life. I was completely miserable.
I finally began praying for God's direction and I was constantly drawn back to my absolute love for teaching. I told God no so many times. I gave him so many excuses. "What will my family think?" "How will I make the money I need?" "What if I don't get married right out of school, what happens then?" So many excuses and questions brought me to my knees and finally I broke down one night and told God yes.
After that night it was a sudden whirlwind of activity. My biggest  hurdle was telling everyone since I had not said a word about what I had been struggling with to anyone. At first I got much hesitation from everyone, but slowly as I began to really trust God to take care of everything the pieces fell in place. I met with advisors and yesterday I finally changed my major. It's going to be an interesting and very hard road to get my degree, but I know that I can do it with the help of the Lord.
So is nursing still part of my dream? Possibly. But right now I am feeling so at peace and so happy with my choice that I really can't imagine turning back. My dreams are my dreams, but I am choosing God's dreams for my life because they are truly the best ones. His dreams are the ones that I will fall in love with, because they are the only ones that will make me truly happy. I am already in love with the idea of becoming a teacher.
So what's the point? My point is this, never ever, ever, ever, ever tell God no and assume that your dreams are better than His. His are ALWAYS the BEST! So for now I will keep calm and get my degree.

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