Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Prayer for Change.

On Thursday evening I had the privilege of getting to be a part of Bob Jones University history. Each year, at the beginning of the semester, there are 50 students who are asked to go backstage and pray during the opening evangelistic services. This semester I was asked to be apart of this special event. As the evening's service began we joined in singing with the congregation, or at least we attempted to, then when the speaker began to preach we began to pray.

Students prayed for the audience members, and for a revival among the students at Bob Jones University. There were prayers for friends and family members who were listening, as well as for those who participated through the evening's webcast. As I sat there, listening to the prayers that others lifted up I was hit by the reality of how cool it was to be in a room of students who shared my heart for the Lord, as well as my desire to see lives changed. As I began to get comfortable with what was being prayed there was another girl who began to pray that the group in that room would stop praying for a revival among the students of our university.

I think at that point in the evening everyone in the room was shocked by what she had just said. She then followed that by praying that there would be a revival in each individual person at our university. I was hit with the reality that I could not pray for a revival or a change in the lives of others, unless I was first praying for a revival or change in my own life.

Not only was I able to be a very special part of history, but I was convicted without even sitting in a service! God works in mysterious ways. This year I want to stop praying for revival and change in those around me, instead I want to commit to praying for it and seeing it in my own life.

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