Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dear 20...

Dear 20,
Another year has passed, and our time together has come to an end, I can hardly believe it. You have brought me many challenges and changes this year that I never foresaw, but they have certainly made me a better person. I have learned to smile more and find joy in the little things rather than staring, puzzled, at the bigger picture of my life. Thank you for being one of the most growing year of my life.

This year I watched dreams become realities. Working this past summer at camp as a wrangler was amazing, and I still think about all of the lessons learned and the skills I acquired while I was there. I also think about all of the wonderful new people that were brought into my life as a result of those two months. Those people became a big part of my life, and they still are. Getting to play golf again is something that I never even came close to thinking would ever happen. On the plus side I get to play on a team for my school, which is so special and meaningful to me. I have only been at it for a few weeks, but already I have learned about dedication and commitment and what they truly mean, they are more than just two words that signify what a person needs to be to a thing or a person, they are two mindsets that are not truly reachable without developing a love deeper than you have ever developed before.

This year I have grown so much spiritually. The daily ways that God showed me His presence in my life still leave me in awe. The days when I would read my devotions early in the morning and that day the message in chapel would be on the same passage still absolutely amaze me, and get me so excited. The moments when I would randomly find a verse and read it, and it somehow always applied to whatever situation I was currently facing. God taught me about sufficiency and placing my trust in Him. He has scolded me for my lack of faith on challenging days, but at the end of it all He is still there with His arms wrapped tightly around me. I have seen the power of prayer and the blessings that a deeper prayer life can lead to. I will never be able to say that I have reached a spiritual pinnacle in my life, but I can say with certainty that this year I have come to know my God more, and my walk with Him has been strengthened as a result of it.

This year I was given multiple blessings. The biggest one being a final diagnosis for the many health issues I have faced for the past several years. When it all came down to it, it was something so small and easy to fix that I could not be more thankful. It has given me a deeper respect for those who I know who suffer with diseases or medical issues that there is no explanation for, and all they have been told is, "you will just have to learn to live with it." I can't imagine their frustration on a daily basis knowing that there may never be an end in sight. It drives me to my knees and makes me thank God for the way He has provided for me as well as praying for cures for things many people don't even know exist. I was able to connect with my Biological Dad and his family this year and that has been an incredibly growing experience for me. I am so blessed to have the family that I have been given. I also got to spend Christmas with my family in Washington. I
t was the most memorable Christmas I have ever had and I hope there will be many more like it in the years to come.

Finally, this year, I have learned to not look back anymore. For so long I have harbored the past as being such a big part of my life that it would drag me down and leave me depressed and unsatisfied with my life. Letting go was an amazing experience and living each day with a renewed hope and joy is un-describable.

So, 20, it's almost time to say goodbye forever. You will be gone, but certainly not forgotten. 21 will be a whole new adventure and I hope that it is just as good, if not better, than you. Thank you for being wonderful.

All my Love,

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